Twelve consecutive months have met or exceeded the 1.5°C threshold. The past year also recorded the highest global average temperatures ever, with significant heatwaves in Europe and other regions.


A genetic “off switch” that shuts down the process in which legume plants convert atmospheric nitrogen into nutrients has been identified for the first time by a team of international scientists, led by researchers of La…


Cocoa farming is maintained world-wide by smallholders. In order to stem the environmental impact of deforestation through agriculture and livestock farming, the European Union has adopted a Regulation on…


Despite being crucial for Nepal's booming adventure tourism, porters carrying backbreaking loads face harsh conditions, low pay and health risks. This raises concerns about the human cost behind Everest expeditions.


Unlocking Africa's economic potential is vital as its young, skilled workforce grows. This report highlights that by 2050, 85 per cent of the global working-age population increase will take place in Africa. Despite…
