Climate change

Natural habitats such as reefs and mangrove forests offer some protection from cyclones. However, protection is declining. Today, 1.4 million more coastal inhabitants are unprotected each year than 30 years ago because…


Climate change

The abundance of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere once again reached a new record last year, and there is no end in sight to the rising trend.


Development policy

With a new agreement, the European Union (EU), its Member States and the Members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) will address emerging needs and global challenges, such as climate change, ocean…



Ambitious climate adaptation can enhance resilience and head off losses and damages. As climate impacts accelerate, the finance gap for adaptation efforts turns to be at least 50 per cent bigger than thought.


Food security

A new initiative aims to help boost food security and tackle growing hunger around the world. It builds 60 years of experience that the IAEA and FAO have jointly developed in supporting countries to use nuclear and…


Land degradation

As land degradation accelerates across Africa, Asia and Latin America, the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) urgently calls to step up restoration efforts.


Over the course of five days, the World Food Forum featured more than 200 events spotlighting youth engagement, investment, and the role of science and innovation in agrifood systems.



One month after the SDG Summit in New York/USA, Welthungerhilfe invited experts to Berlin to discuss which measures must now be taken to achieve SDG 2 and what role Germany should play in this context.



The 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Bio-energy Research 2023 (ICRABR-2023) was envisioned to serve as a holistic learning event and congregation of all the stakeholders in the bioenergy sector…



The World Bank will in future offer stronger financing incentives for projects that benefit not only individual countries but the whole world – ranging from climate action projects to preserving biodiversity and pandemic…
