Climate change

Children in Africa are among the most at risk of the impacts of climate change but are woefully neglected by the key climate financing flows required to help them adapt, survive and respond to the climate crisis, this…


Climate change

A new Action Plan, based on three pillars, supports the implementation of the FAO Strategy on Climate Change 2022-2031, focusing on agrifood system transformation.


Climate change

Global warming and drastic deforestation could dry out the Amazon rainforest faster and enforce the risk of keeping it downright fire-trapped, researchers of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in…


Climate change

An international research team has succeeded in proving that whether regions in Africa are covered by forest or savannah depends mostly on climatic factors. The study thus confirms the dominant role of climate in the…


Climate change

This year’s Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB58) was designed to prepare decisions for adoption at COP28 in the United Arab Emirates in December. After the conference, observers voiced their disappointment at its…


Climate change

Life has always been hard for the nomadic pastoralists in the Himalayas. But with climate change, ever smaller patches of pastureland and armed conflicts, it is now almost impossible for them to survive, which is why…


Climate change

A new study conducted by an international team of scientists reveals that microbial carbon use efficiency is at least four times more influential than other biological or environmental factors when it comes to global…


Climate change

Small-scale farmers cause far fewer emissions than large-scale and industrial farming, but they can still help mitigate climate change.


Climate change

The German Government will provide two billion euros for the Green Climate Fund (GCF). This makes Germany the first major donor to announce its contribution for the upcoming pledging conference for the Green Climate…


Climate change

If climate change causes more rain, this promotes the weathering of rocks and thus the erosion of the soil. The dissolved substances reach the sea via rivers. A new model from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon shows that the…
