Food systems

This guide provides insights into how to achieve a successful and collaborative transition to sustainable food systems.


Food systems

The latest figures paint a grim picture of the state of food security in the world. Now, the Food Systems Summit+2 Stocktaking Moment (UNFSS+2) has looked at progress made during the last two years to create inclusive,…


Food systems

Looking back on developments since the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit, our author maintains that relevant major organisations at international level are unsuited to address food systems transformation. Rather, Dhanush…


Food systems

More gender equality in food systems could help reverse recent spikes in hunger and poverty, finds a new report. It highlights the policies needed to position women as changemakers in Africa’s food systems.


Food systems

This report provides a broad set of evidence-based recommendations for better predicting and preparing for crises, addressing crises when they occur, and building equity and the resilience of food systems.


Food systems

At the 15th Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA), representatives from politics and business, science and civil society discussed viable strategies to achieve food security against the background of multiple…


Food systems

This report analyses current and emerging drivers of agrifood systems and their possible future trends. It identifies the issues at stake and the threats and problems that have an impact on future food consumption and…


Food systems

Big sums of money are flowing into food and farming, but it is still going to the wrong places. A recent UN report points to the vast majority of agricultural subsidies being environmentally harmful. Fertiliser subsidies…


Food systems

Outsourced costs, i.e. externalities such as water pollution and biodiversity loss, are not shown on company balance

sheets, nor are they reflected in food prices. As a result, they provide the wrong incentives for…


Food systems

Global food and agricultural policies are, by and large, not fit to support agri-food systems in sustainably delivering food

security and adequate nutrition for all. World-wide economic growth prospects are bleak, and…
