Food security

This book presents the lessons learned on food security and food systems resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic and shows how experience of the pandemic can help us achieve more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient…


Food security

Legislation on corporate accountability is gaining momentum Europe-wide. But are laws sufficient to ensure the Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) of companies? And will producers in the Global South eventually benefit?


Food security

A CABI webinar brought together high-level panellists from Asia, Africa and Europe in November to look at ways of maintaining food security in times of global shocks such as the COVID-19 pandemic.


Food security

To ensure food security our agrifood systems have to be made more resilient. This report offers solutions on how to deal with sudden shocks and guidance to governments on how they can improve resilience.


Food security

Farmers and herders in Afghanistan are likely to face a second consecutive year of drought in 2022, creating a very real risk of famine unless large-scale support to protect livelihoods arrives very soon.


Food security

In August 2019, India suspended the special status of the Jammu & Kashmir region. Experts feared that in combination with drastic changes in citizenship and land laws, the country’s new agriculture policy would aggravate…


Food security

The number of people suffering from chronic hunger has been on the increase for many years. This publication aims to deepen our understanding of why producing more food under the for-profit industrial system isn’t a…


Food security

Regarding the zero hunger goal, the world has come dramatically off track. For 47 countries, even their reaching low levels of hunger by 2030 is ruled out. This is revealed in the Global Hunger Index 2021 which…


Food security

The rising demand for food in the future will be a key driver of the increase required in food production and of the associated impacts on land-use change, biodiversity and climate change. It could push more people into…


Food security

There was a dramatic worsening of world hunger in 2020 - much of it likely related to the fallout of COVID-19, this report explains. It will take a tremendous effort for the world to honour its pledge to end hunger by…
