Food loss and waste is a multifactorial phenomenon. Therefore, at least in the long term, one-dimensional efforts to mitigate it, such as providing storage technologies, will not prove successful, our authors maintain,…


Lack of management and infrastructure are only two of the reasons why a substantial share of food ends up in the dustbin. Societal norms and acquired behaviour play a crucial role as well. Our authors have taken a look…



The estimated share of food that goes to waste globally has remained unchanged for years. And yet there are numerous companies which have developed clever solutions to tackle the problem at the various stages of the…


When seeking reliable cooling solutions to preserve their harvested food, farmers encounter quite a lot of barriers.

The initiative “Your Virtual Cold Chain Assistant” seeks to overcome this. It combines innovative…


The social business Saving Grains was founded in 2019 in order to improve the livelihoods of small farmers in Africa. Its aim is to establish a fully hermetic grain value chain from the farmer to the food industry.…


Ethiopia loses between 10 and 22 per cent of grains during storage because a large share of the country’s farmers still use traditional structures. A study by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization based on…


In today’s world, where environmental sustainability and resource conservation are paramount, the concept of the circular economy has gained significant traction. It represents a shift away from the linear model of…


Every year, the extraction of cocoa beans generates tonnes of waste products that just rot away unused. The founders of the Swiss start-up Koa found this terribly squanderous. In the south of Ghana, they have established…



Recycling organic waste into soil amendments and animal feed through a transdisciplinary approach – this is what the RUNRES project, launched in four sub-Saharan African countries four years ago, seeks to achieve. Now…


Many innovations have been developed in recent years in the field of biomass conversion technologies that enable food waste and agricultural surpluses to be converted into various valuable products. This article presents…
