

Many Africans still suffer from food insecurity and malnutrition. The Continental Accountability Scorecard for Nutrition provides a snapshot of Africa’s progress in meeting global and continental nutrition targets.


The United Kingdom plays a significant role in development co-operation. Experts discussed how its exit from the European Union will affect this area in Bonn/Germany last February.



Access to water and sanitation is an internationally recognised human right. Yet, many people lack even the most basic of services. If the pressure on global water resources continues at current rates, the impact on…


Organic farming

At the 3rd Organic Forum in Kirchberg, Germany, representatives of Sikkim, India – which is the first organic state world-wide – and Zanzibar, Tanzania and Andhra Pradesh, India, presented their approaches in preparing…



The use of antimicrobials for growth promotion in animals has declined over the last years, according to data from OIE. Nevertheless antimicrobials, classified by WHO as ‘Highest Priority Critically Important…



The 6th Global Environment Outlook was presented at the 4th UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya.


Land management

The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration aims to massively scale up the restoration of degraded and destroyed ecosystems as a proven measure to fight the climate crisis and enhance food security, water supply and…



Women in rural areas are among the population groups whose human rights and food security are particularly threatened by climate change. The German human rights organisations FIAN and terre des hommes are drawing…


Food security

The number of hungry people in Africa rose again between 2015 and 2017. 20 per cent of the African population was undernourished in the year 2017, most of them living in sub-Saharan Africa.


Reduced drudgery, timely handling, higher productivity – there are many reasons that speak in favour of mechanising African agriculture. But some aspects point to the contrary. In Berlin, participants discussed…


At the global conference of the 10 Year Programme on Sustainable Food Systems (SFS), which is strongly related to SDG 12, participants discussed ways towards more sustainable food production and consumption.



Intensive agriculture in China and India is making a decisive contribution to the greening of the Earth. Researchers are dubious about this, as the growth in biomass is the result in part of increased use of fertilizer…


Organic farming

Western diets are not transferable to what will soon be ten billion people, for there are simply not enough water resources and spaces of arable land to support such a population. Experts discussed prospects for a…



Desert Locust outbreak in northeast Africa and Saudi Arabia triggered by heavy rains, FAO warns. Increased vigilance, strict monitoring and early control needed to prevent further swarms forming and spreading along both…



Most workers and agricultural producers in developing countries are paid on a daily basis. This has a negative impact on their ability to generate savings for large expenses. Researchers show that Kenyan dairy farmers…
