

Malnutrition rates are on the rise due to the continuing global COVID-19 pandemic. The Nutrition for Growth Summit focused on improving nutrition outcomes through universal health coverage, food systems transformation,…



As a global preparation for the V Global Conference on Child Labour, to be held in South Africa in 2022, the United Nations has declared 2021 the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour. In late November,…



The scale of the economic benefits generated by the Green Wall initiative depends on several factors. Reforestation is the most profitable measure, but only in the long term, while converting degraded land into farmland…


Food security

A CABI webinar brought together high-level panellists from Asia, Africa and Europe in November to look at ways of maintaining food security in times of global shocks such as the COVID-19 pandemic.


Food security

Farmers and herders in Afghanistan are likely to face a second consecutive year of drought in 2022, creating a very real risk of famine unless large-scale support to protect livelihoods arrives very soon.



Small-scale artisanal fishers, fish farmers and fish workers can contribute to human well-being, healthy agri-food systems and poverty eradication through the responsible and sustainable use of fisheries and aquaculture…


Climate change

The significance of aquatic food systems for human nutrition and health was well as for climate change mitigation was emphasised at several side events of COP 26.



Increasing the forest area in the Global North cannot compensate for the deforestation carried out to obtain agricultural land, and agricultural trade is causing dramatic biodiversity losses. This applies, for example,…



The increasing global food-import bill is driven by higher price levels of internationally traded food commodities and a threefold increase in freight costs. FAO warns that rising food and fuel prices can have a highly…



Participants at UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism discussed how gastronomy tourism can foster rural development in Africa. They agreed that it can support small, local food producers and strengthen their position…


Climate change

The agri-food sector is an important contributor to GHG emissions, with supply chains, deforestation and farming practices being the main source of emissions. Improving crop and livestock activities could reduce total…


Climate change

The goals of the Paris Agreement are far out of reach. Countries at COP26 are discussing how to improve climate protection and made commitments to protect forests, reduce methane emissions and accelerate green…


Land management

Indigenous and non-Indigenous activists and experts criticize the outcomes of the IUCN World Conservation Congress, calling for an alternative conservation model that focuses on the rights und needs of Indigenous…



The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has presented a new map showing the spread of salt-affected soil at an international symposium. During the meeting, international experts gave accounts of their success in…


One Health

The world must be alert to new threats from animal diseases. A web-based system by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will support countries in identifying and mitigating serious animal disease threats.
