

Humanity can only tackle today’s major challenges if access to water is distributed more fairly. Speakers at the World Water Week called for a drastic shift in how water is shared and managed.


There is a lack of understanding about what aid actually entails, researchers criticise after analysing development aid given by OECD donors. They found that a quarter of the aid money never leaves donor countries;…


Plant protection

Fusarium Tropical Race 4 (TR4) has arrived in Latin America. It is a major threat to banana producers, many of them are smallholder farmers. There is no viable, fully effective treatment of soil or plants to control or…



Conservation measures to preserve biodiversity are urgently necessary. According to scientists, the situation is far more serious than previously assumed. One study investigates the influence on biodiversity of…



African swine fever (ASF) is spreading across Asia; millions of pigs have been culled during the last months. Small-scale farmers are hit hardest. They often lack the expertise or funds to protect their animals from the…


Climate change

Land is under pressure from humans and climate change, but it is also part of the solution, the latest IPCC report states. Better land management can contribute to tackling climate change. Reducing greenhouse-gas…



Earth Overshoot Day has moved forward once again. Each year, the world’s population consumes nature’s annual resource budget earlier. Nevertheless, Earth Overshoot Day‚s moving up on the calendar has slowed down over…



While higher levels of CO2 can boost plant growth, they reduce the concentration of key micronutrients in crops. Researchers from IFPRI projected the per capita availability of protein, iron, and zinc out to 2050 and…



Due to weather conditions, Desert Locusts multiply and spread causing damage to crops. FAO warns of outbreaks in Yemen and the Horn of Africa.



The world is off-track to meet most food and agriculture-related Sustainable Development Goals, the FAO warns. Sufficient investment in the agricultural sector is needed, but public expenditure in agriculture has been…



Almost a year after the outbreak of Ebola was declared in eastern DRC, the number of new cases is at worrying levels. Enhanced efforts to defeat the deadly disease are urgently needed.


Food security

The world is facing the third year of increasing hunger in a row, a new UN report states. More than 820 million people are hungry globally, the SDG 2 nutrition targets are getting further out of reach.


Veterinarians at work to fight AMR in Turkey.

A new Multi-Partner Trust Fund has been launched in the Netherlands to combat antimicrobial resistance globally. FAO, OIE and WHO are intensifying the One Health approach.


A man weighing harvested orange-fleshed sweetpotato growing along the banks of the Brahmaputra River in Northern Bangladesh

The CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture has launched a new version of its agricultural data search engine, GARDIAN. The big data platform aims to harness big data capabilities to accelerate and enhance the impact…


Representatives of the Bonn Alliance at the official opening of the ICB.

Combining the capacities of five organisations and institutions, the Innovation Campus Bonn has been launched in Germany’s “UN City” to boost sustainability research.
