Opinion corner


During the last few years, the donor community has increased its efforts to reduce the large amounts of fish lost in the distribution chain in artisanal fishery, an endeavour that ought to be welcomed in principle.…



Without healthy soils, life on Earth would be unsustainable, as UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon declared with a view to the International Year of Soils. Our author highlights some features of soil management in India…


Climate change

Adaptation to climate change in agriculture is a hot topic, but what exactly does it mean? Our authors suggest to take a step back before embarking on adaptation work in rural development, and to carefully clarify the…


Food security

Despite some undeniable successes over the last decades, progress towards achieving food security and eradicating hunger in developing countries has not lived up to expectations. In large parts of sub-Saharan Africa and…



Rural women’s easy and reliable access to micro-credit is a sine qua non for their economic empowerment. In the context of International Women’s Day on the 8th March 2015, Amrit Patel highlights success factors and…



Early in June 2014, the Micronutrient Forum Global Conference, took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Here, Marie Ruel, Director of the Poverty, Health and Nutrition division at the International Food Policy Research…



Devastation brought by Typhoon Haiyan on the Philippine island of Leyte in November 2013 need not have assumed such awesome proportions if the island’s original natural environment had not been destroyed by deforestation…


Food security

Not least thanks to its actively involving all stakeholders, the Committee on World Food Security is praised as a great achievement in the fight against world hunger. Is this justified? Yes, but with downsides, says…



Why do you care about women’s land rights? Isn’t it enough for the household to have land?“ This question is a common refrain Agnes Quisumbing, researcher at the International Food Policy Research Institute, IFPRI, hears…


Rural development

The United Nations has declared 2014 the International Year of Family Farming. Rightly so, says Eve Crowley, Principal Advisor for Gender, Equity and Rural Employment at the FAO, for family farmers play a key role in…
