Opinion corner

Plant protection

The global pesticide market is constantly growing and just a handful of corporations share it out between them. Now manufacturers are making ever stronger inroads into countries of the Global South, where pesticides are…


Knowledge sharing

There can be good reasons why organisations and individuals feel uncomfortable about sharing data. But the pros outweigh the cons, says Chipo Msengezi. She explains CABI’s approach.



The German provider of solar systems SUNfarming has set up agri-PV systems in various countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America in public-private partnerships. For Edith Brasche, director of international projects, the…



Africa’s drylands seem to be predestined for generating solar and wind power – especially given the current hype over green hydrogen. However, pastoral communities are often put at a disadvantage in this respect. Our…



While the topic of agrofinance is essential to the context of mechanisation, it is all too often neglected, or at least insufficiently addressed. Our author gives an account of his experiences as an independent…


Food systems

Even after 50 years of permanent shortcomings in rural financing, governments and banks are still bent on old-school thinking, the Secretary General of the Asia-Pacific Rural and Agricultural Credit Association…



Can subsidised crop insurances contribute to rural development? The European Union allows subsidies for insurances of aquaculture stocks, and the FAO suggests this helps to increase seafood production. However, studies…



Africa’s burgeoning youth population can play a key role in contributing to sustainable development. Our author argues that while young people do face barriers, agriculture holds many potential opportunities for them –…



Industrial agriculture, based on monocropping and use of agro-chemicals and other energy-intensive inputs, is presumably unsustainable for food, feed, fibre, and fuel production because of its adverse effects on the…



The Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health has set itself the goal of improving soil health globally. Co-Leader Leigh Ann Winowiecki explains the barriers which have to be cleared on the way there and why she is optimistic…
