
The report sheds light on the digital realities in low- and middle-income countries and gives an overview of financing trends in development cooperation.



This publication highlights the role of tourism in the sustainable development of mountain regions. Various examples of sustainable tourism in mountain areas are presented in the report.


Evidence biases and narrow thinking holding back food and climate action, this report states.


Climate change

As well as delivering on their “net zero by 2050” commitments, governments must also focus on reducing and managing the inevitable risk of further losses and damages from climate change.



Poor diets and malnutrition are leading to increasing levels of preventable illness, deaths and damage to the planet, according to the report.


Food security

To ensure food security our agrifood systems have to be made more resilient. This report offers solutions on how to deal with sudden shocks and guidance to governments on how they can improve resilience.


Climate change

This report aims to support countries in making better-informed decisions and allow stakeholders to measure improvements in climate action more accurately.


Climate change

Food production, distribution and consumption uses around 30 per cent of the world’s energy and is responsible for about one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions. Decoupling agri-food systems from fossil fuels can…


Climate change

Climate change impacts will lead to large-scale migration across the African continent, according to this report. But green, inclusive and resilient development could reduce the scale of climate migration, the authors…


Land management

Africa is by far the most targeted continent for large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs).This study reviews scientific literature on the microeconomic and social effects of large-scale land acquisitions in sub-Saharan…
