Scientific World

Climate change

Climate change may affect the production of maize (corn) and wheat as early as 2030 under a high greenhouse gas emissions scenario, according to a new study by scientists from NASA and the Potsdam Institute for Climate…


Climate change

Scientists have outlined some of the most important recent findings related to climate from across a wide range of disciplines. The topics covered in their report include the increase in megafires around the world as…



Technologies with low CO2 emissions are the focus of energy transition. However, some of them consume enormous freshwater resources – water that won’t be available in sufficient quantities in many regions in the future.



Despite evidence of pollinator declines from many regions across the globe, the threat developments pose to plant populations is not clear because plants can often produce seeds without animal pollinators.


Natural resources

Global grasslands are a source of biodiversity and provide a host of benefits to humans, including food production, water supply, and carbon storage. But their future looks bleak without action to halt their degradation…


Plant breeding

A new study by a research team of Germany’s Universities of Bonn and Freiburg and its Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) sheds light on the mechanism used by plants to monitor how much of…



The Gran Chaco in South America is the world’s largest tropical dry forest, yet it disappears rapidly as it is converted to pastures for cattle ranching and soybean fields. New research now shows that there are still…


Plant breeding

Researchers at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) have identified a set of promising genes in chickpea that could play a key role in the plant's defence against dry root rot…



Modern agricultural and sanitation systems depend on linear, one-way resource flows. However, these models are resource-intensive and wasteful. To address this problem equitably and sustainably, the RUNRES project seeks…



Environmental targets to limit excess nitrogen require the large-scale deployment of dedicated nitrogen mitigation strategies to avoid a strong increase in the risk of food insecurity. Without these measures, the amount…
