Scientific World

Climate change

Cropland farmed organically over a longer period emits 40 per cent less greenhouse gases per hectare than conventionally farmed cropland. This has been revealed in results from a world-wide unique long-term field trial.…



An international study analyses energy requirements for negative emissions technologies. They can help to mitigate climate change.



The Nigerian Biosafety Management Agency has approved the commercial release of genetically modified cowpea. This is a major breakthrough for farmers and scientists as Nigeria will be the first country to cultivate…


Climate change

The Paris Agreement to limit average global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels relies heavily on changing how farmland and forests are managed, an international research team says.…



Agricultural yields around the world can become more sustainable by using silicon to mobilise soil phosphorus, making it available for plants, according to a study by German and Danish researchers.


Climate change

Scientists maintain that the colonisation of the Americas in the late fifteenth century caused the indigenous population to shrink so drastically that this had a measurable impact on the Earth’s climate.


Plant protection

Scientists at the University of Tübingen in Germany have discovered a sugar molecule that inhibits plants and microorganisms and is harmless to human cells. Could it become a substitute for the controversial herbicide…


Plant breeding

Plant breeders call the phenomenon of the progeny generations producing a superior yield compared to that of parent plants the heterosis effect. In subsequent generations, this effect is lost again. However, it can be…


Plant protection

Researchers at the DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures have succeeded in finding resistance against Cassava Brown Streak disease for African cassava varieties taken from South-American plants.


Evolutionary biologists and law scholars in Germany and France have criticised a US project aimed at developing the use of insects to spread genetically modified viruses to crops. The viruses featured in the “Insect…
