Scientific World

Climate change

Global warming and drastic deforestation could dry out the Amazon rainforest faster and enforce the risk of keeping it downright fire-trapped, researchers of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in…



The world’s yearly wood harvests are likely to emit 3.5 to 4.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year, more than 10 per cent of recent global annual emissions of carbon dioxide a recent study by the World…


Plant breeding

The "Healthy Crops" international research consortium is developing disease-resistant rice varieties. In the scientific journal eLife, the authors now report on the discovery of a recent bacterial outbreak in Tanzania –…



Widespread implementation of experiential food insecurity indicators in the prior two decades has substantially improved our ability to track and develop tailored solutions for addressing malnutrition globally. An…


Climate change

An international research team has succeeded in proving that whether regions in Africa are covered by forest or savannah depends mostly on climatic factors. The study thus confirms the dominant role of climate in the…



Islands of trees in oil palm plantations can significantly increase biodiversity within five years without reducing productivity. This has been shown by an experiment which has been running in Indonesia for over ten…


One Health

Through a systematised literature review, an international research team has identified a wide variety of pig- and pork-associated zoonotic and foodborne hazards in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA).


Climate change

A new study conducted by an international team of scientists reveals that microbial carbon use efficiency is at least four times more influential than other biological or environmental factors when it comes to global…


Plant breeding

African scientists, in collaboration with scientists from international institutes have sequenced the genome of a climate-resistant bean. Results could lead to genetic improvements of native legumes to promote widespread…



Biodiversity in forests is under serious threat from human activity and climate change. An international research team has found first evidence that forests which are richer in tree species tend to have a greater…
