Scientific World

Plant protection

Plants use the signalling molecule GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) to remember the dryness of a day, a recent study shows. This signalling molecule is known from animals to limit their water loss.


An insect on a plant leaf.
Plant protection

Researchers have decoded the genetic make-up of whitefly species that spread plant diseases and damage crops, raising hopes for tackling the devastating pest.


Plant breeding

An international team of scientists have successfully developed cassava with high-level resistance to cassava mosaic disease (CMD) and cassava brown streak disease (CBSD), as well as with higher levels of iron and zinc.


Rice production

Rice cultivation bears the risk of contamination with arsenic, which can get into the rice grains via the plant’s roots. In tests of more than 4,000 rice varieties, a German-Chinese research consortium has now discovered…


Plant breeding

Researchers have found a different metabolic signal in plants that acts at dusk and changes the activity of plants' clock genes.



Global change is expected to increase the diversity of bacteria at the local level, while their composition will become more uniform at the global level, according to a team of researchers who have holistically assessed…


Plant protection

Scientists of the international development-led research organisation CABI have updated the first major study of potential biological controls that could be used in the fight against the devastating fall armyworm in…



The 2030 Research and Innovation Strategy situates the international research partnership CGIAR in the evolving global context, which demands a systems transformation approach for food, land, and water systems. Covering…


Plant breeding

A previously unknown root trait allows some cereal plants to grow deeper roots capable of punching through dry, hard, compacted soils, according to researchers of Pennsylvania State University (U.S.A.), who suggest that…



The results of a research project on the mapping of individual trees and tree groups in West Africa by using artificial intelligence can help strengthen ecosystems in the context of climate change.
