Scientific World

Mothers in Rwanda feed their children with a bio-fortified sweet potato puree.

A new study by French scientists – focusing on industrialisation of baby food processing – demonstrates how the addition of vitamin A-rich sweet potato would enhance the nutritional quality of baby food to children under…


Brachiaria fodder grass minimises methane in cattle farming.

The discovery of genes responsible for asexual reproduction in a tropical grass may reduce negative impacts of cattle farming. The grass captures carbon, reduces gas emissions from soils, restores degraded land, and…


Different rice varieties in bowls.
Food safety

Arsenic contamination in rice poses a serious health risk in many parts of the world. Now an international study has shown that husking rice before parboiling reduces arsenic content, potentially lowering the risk of…



When bird flu outbreaks occur, there is often only one way to check this infectious disease – culling the poultry. A new project on the development of affordable bird flu vaccines based on plants could soon provide an…



An international team of researchers have now calculated the ecological and financial benefits of straw-coloured fruit bats in Africa. They found that the bats, by disseminating seeds from the fruits they eat during…



The exploitation of farmland is being intensified with a focus on raising yields. To date, very little is known about the degree to which yields actually increase as a result and the extent of the simultaneous loss of…


Climate change

By 2040, rainfall on wheat, soybean, rice and maize will have changed, even if Paris Agreement emissions targets are met. Projections show that parts of Europe, Africa, the Americas and Australia will be drier, while the…



Mangrove ecosystems are an important natural carbon sink that accumulate and store large amounts of organic carbon. However, the magnitude of carbon stocks and the rate of carbon accumulation vary geographically due to a…


Rice production

A team of Chinese and German researchers reveals a mechanism by which nitrate in the soil activates both phosphate and nitrate utilisation in rice.



How to bridge the humanitarian-development gap is a recurring question for actors operating in crises around the world. Based on a recently published literature review by the German Institute for Development Evaluation…
