Rural development

Kampot pepper is regarded as the “champagne” among pepper varieties and is held in high esteem by the world’s gourmets and chefs. It is grown in accordance with stringent quality requirements in the Cambodian province of…


Rural development

India's rural communities are severely affected by the consequences of climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic.

The project "Enhancing Rural Resilience through Appropriate Development Actions" aims to improve the…


Rural development

Uneven development is leaving the poorest behind, exacerbating inequality, and stoking political polarisation. We are facing a dangerous gridlock that we must tackle collectively, says a new report.


Rural development

The world urgently needs to shift to zero waste, says a new report. Waste management improvements are needed to limit pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and negative impacts on human health.


Rural development

Rural development initiatives play a crucial role in uplifting the lives of people in remote areas and supporting agriculture production. But the vulnerability of ecosystems and rural communities is increasing.…


Rural development

The most vulnerable economic communities on Earth live alongside carnivores and pay the highest price for human-wildlife conflict. A new paper calls for mechanisms to be developed for rich countries to make payments to…


Rural development

Hundreds of people in India are protesting against being relocated from protected areas for conservation, including tiger reserves. New concepts are needed to reconcile species conservation with the needs of Indigenous…


Rural development

After nearly four decades of pollution and neglect, a Himalayan lake is restored to its former glory, providing a habitat for thousands of migratory birds.


Rural development

Just like many other African countries, Malawi, one of the world’s top ten exporters of tobacco, is increasingly experiencing the consequences of tobacco-related death and diseases. However, as yet it lacks public…


Rural development

Many people in rural areas work under poor employment conditions, and women and children are most affected, according to the report.
