
The new online tool Earth Map allows anyone, anywhere to access multidimensional maps and statistics showing key climate and environmental trends wherever they are, even with basic internet access.




141 countries are exposed to at least one ecological threat by 2050. Ecological threats during the next decades may lead to a dramatic increase of food insecurity and mass population displacement, experts warn.



Despite raising alarms about increased carbon emissions due to mangrove deforestation, there has been a low net loss of mangrove carbon stocks globally during the last years, pointing to success in conservation and…


Rural development

NGOs warn, that up to 300 million people could be affected by the new UN target to place 30 per cent of the Earth’s surface under conservation status by 2030, on which the Conference of Parties to the Convention on…



Three scenarios show how climate change and land use may accelerate soil erosion by water by the year 2070. Soil erosion reduces agricultural productivity and therefore threatens global food supply.


Food security

WFP has reduced food or cash transfers by up to 30 per cent for over 2.7 million refugees in four African countries. Without additional funding, the organisation will be forced to cut deeper in the coming months.



India’s private sector could play a more important role on the African continent in the future. Officials call to go beyond government-to-government cooperation and promote private sector participation.


Food waste

Reducing food loss and waste is essential for reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A new online platform gives support to development actors and governments in reducing food loss and waste across the globe.


Poverty reduction

Progress against the multiple dimensions of poverty was made before the COVID-19 pandemic – but now it is at risk. The pandemic is a stark reminder that we need to look beyond income to tackle poverty in all its forms.



The Convention on the Worst Forms of Child Labour has now been ratified by all member states of the International Labour Organization. Child labour is particularly abundant in agriculture.



The FAO has drawn attention to locusts posing a threat to agriculture in parts of Latin America. Efforts are being made at regional level to cope with locust swarms disaster.



Access to fresh water is fundamental to sustainable development. This new tool aims to support policy makers in reporting data on fresh water, tracking changes to water-related ecosystems over time.


Development policy

The UN “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” will celebrate their tenth anniversary in 2021. At the start of June 2020, a group of five experts launched global consultations on the binding implementation of…


Food security

The devastating socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic push millions more people into food insecurity in low- and middle-income countries.


Ilhan's family now lives from growing fruit and vegetables. Weather extremes left the former shepherd family in the Awdal region of northwest Somaliland no choice but to settle down.<br />© Wuchenauer/Welthungerhilfe
Food security

In many countries where climate change or armed conflicts threaten people’s livelihoods, the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are making a bad situation worse. At the Berlin launch of its Annual Report in early July,…
