The forests of Central Africa are at the centre of an increasingly urgent global environmental crisis. This ecosystem is severely threatened by deforestation, degradation and climate change. The OFAC Hybrid Forum brought together over 700 leading experts, practitioners and policy-makers in Bonn and online.


Abrupt shifts within complex systems such as the Earth’s climate system are extremely hard to predict. Scientists of two German research insitutes have now succeeded in developing a new method to anticipate such tipping…


Prior to the 2024 Policies against Hunger Conference (PaH), having taken place on the 4th–5th June, members and affiliates of Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung, Germany’s NGO forum on environment and development, had…


Livestock production is more than just producing meat, milk and eggs. It provides many crucial services world-wide, particularly for small-scale and women farmers in the Global South. But these important services are…


This report highlights key constraints that need to be addressed to enable young women to significantly increase their productivity and contribution to Africa’s economic growth by 2030.
